Most of us have come to learn about and know our local wild patches well during the last year. Whether it’s a local park or some fields near your home, it’s important to go for a walk outside and connect with nature. However, there is a negative side to this and whilst it’s great that more people are exploring their local wild areas, as well as various popular holiday destinations in the UK, not all know or care about respecting it. This year we have seen a huge surge in littering at both our coastal and inland reserves. Sometimes the issue of litter seems too big to tackle yourself, but that is far from the truth! We can all change our behaviours to reduce the amount of materials, like plastic, we are using (and that are being created in the first place), as well as taking responsibility for the litter we produce and its correct disposal.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust deliver a variety of projects along the coast, working with different sea users to try and remove pollution that is already present, as well as trying to stop it at source. We work closely with Yorkshire fishermen, providing them with free disposal points for any discarded gear or marine litter that they bring up whilst fishing. We have a Waves of Waste programme, where volunteers are recruited and supported to deliver beach cleans along the Yorkshire coastline that are open to the public. We also have volunteers that carry out marine litter surveys, enabling us to better understand the problem and guide our work. We work closely with schools and communities to educate and inspire people about our incredible seas and wildlife, from after-school clubs to our monthly Living Seas LIVE talk series.
To find out more about our work go to:
To join a beach clean go to:
